March 2022
If antique glass is your passion, you won’t want to miss the 15th annual Kansas Territory Bottle and Postcard Show and Sale, April 3 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds’ Sunflower Building in Hutchinson.
The show is sponsored by the Kansas Territory Antique Bottle and Postcard Club, which also has hosted garage sales and even digs for fellow collectors. The organization is active on Facebook, where items collected by members are posted and their history discussed.
For more information about the show, contact Mike McJunkin at 620-728-8304 or Mark Law at 785-224-4836.
Antique Bottle
This bottle was likely sold by Charles Nelson, who, according to Stan Hendershot of the Kansas Territory Antique Bottle and Postcard Club, owned and operated a liquor business in Fort Scott, KS, in the late 19th century. (Image courtesy of Facebook)